Deprived of an arm and a leg, John is still pursues a black belt in karate

Kolkata: Someone has rightly said that if the intention is strong, then no obstacle can stop you from moving forward in life. An example of this is John Babu of the Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh. John Babu, 18, is deprived of one arm and one leg. Despite this, he is not only learning karate, but he aspires to get a black belt in karate.

Brown belt holder John Babu has won many medals in various national and state level competitions. Despite this, he is not getting any help from the government.

John Babu’s coach K. Srinivas is also physically handicapped. Despite this, he has been teaching karate to children and youth for over 30 years. He is also deeply troubled by the apathy of the government. Srinivas, who has taught Karate to hundreds of people for years, has not received any help from the government till date.

This story is not just about John Babu or Srinivas. Kolkata’s karate player Ayesha Noor is also a victim of the government’s apathy. Ayesha Noor has so far won three gold medals for the country abroad. The then Union Minister Maneka Gandhi had praised her skill and spirit.

Ayesha Noor is an orphan girl. She is suffering from epilepsy. She has achieved a position in Karate despite being physically and financially weak. She is an inspiration to millions of girls. Today, Ayesha is not only making the country proud in karate, but is also giving free karate training to thousands of girls.


The fame of Ayesha Noor has reached abroad. The US government honored her with the Hero of Gender Equality Award. She has been honored by the prestigious media of the country like Times of India, Zee News, TV 9 Bharatvarsh. But the Modi government has not helped Ayesha till date. Last time she had to spread his hands in front of people to participate in the World Meet in Thailand. With the cooperation of the people, she participated in this competition and won gold medal. But the government did not help her.


Coach of Ayesha Noor Former champion MA Ali, said that even though full contact karate is not recognized, it is a sport. The government provides all kinds of help to the karate players abroad, but our government never comes forward to help. MA Ali said that despite winning three gold medals for the country, the Modi government has not given a single chocolate to Ayesha Noor.

Young Karate players like Ayesha Noor and John Babu are probably facing the punishment of being a minority.

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