A policeman accused of harassing a single woman, arrested in a false case for not paying bribe
Kolkata: Police is there to protect the people. It is the duty of every policeman to follow the law, but when a policeman starts torturing...
M.A.Ali nominates Aamir Edresy For Internationanal Award in Thailand.
Kolkata: Today in West Bengal Urdu Academy, M.A. Ali, Director of World Meet 2024 in Thailand, shared exciting news about the upcoming event. Scheduled to...
Dr. Agarwal of Kolkata speaks on Lifestyle medicine at National Police Headquarter of Philippines.
Dr. Suresh Kumar Agarwal, President of International Institute of Lifestyle Medicine, Kolkata spoke on Lifestyle medicine for the senior officers of Philippines National Police at...
পশ্চিমবঙ্গ বিধানসভায় আর্চয্য জগদীশ চন্দ্র বসুর, জন্মদিন পালন।যতদিন মমতা ব্যানার্জি থাকবেন, ততদিন পশ্চিমবঙ্গে CAA এ কেউ লাগু করতে পারবে না ।
আজ ৩০শে নভেম্বর বৃহস্পতিবার, পশ্চিমবঙ্গের বিধানসভায় আর্চয্য জগদীশ চন্দ্র বসুর জন্মদিন পালন করা হয়।প্রখ্যাত বৈজ্ঞানিক আর্চয্য জগদীশ চন্দ্র বসুর প্রতিকৃতিতে ফুল ও মালা দিয়ে শ্রদ্ধা...
Sovereign Prince Nicola Adekunle Talluto Initiates Global Diplomatic Dialogue for Peace at 2024 Royal Summit
Italy: His Royal Highness Nicola Adekunle Talluto, Sovereign Prince of Sant'Agata Odo-Oko V.M. Idado Ijesa, engaged in a profound discussion with His Majesty Dumashie III,...
P. Jurapas Assumes Presidency for 4th World Meet 2024 to be Held on 8th May 2024 in Bangkok, With More than 50 Countries in Participation
Bangkok: In a momentous event at the International Headquarters of World Meet in Bangkok today, P. Jurapas has been officially appointed as the President for...
Hindu Pandit and Muslim Maulana Share Stage at 3rd Urs Mubarak Celebration of Hazrat Khwaja Akhtar Ali Chisty.
Ayodhya: In a remarkable display of unity and communal harmony, Hindu Pandit Raju Pandey and Muslim Maulana Gulam Rabbani shared the stage at the grand...
नाइजीरिया के सेंट अगाथा रियासत ने एमए अली को एशियाई देशों के लिए अपना प्रवक्ता बनाया
कोलकाता: वर्ल्ड मीट 2023 की जबरदस्त कामयाबी के बाद अंतरराष्ट्रीय कराटे चैंपियन और वर्ल्ड मीट के निदेशक एमए अली की लोकप्रियता तेजी से बढ़ी है।...
His Royal Highness Nicholas Adekunle Talluta Appoints Mohammad Ali Akhtar as Spokesperson for Saint Agatha Odo-Oko Idado Ijesa in Asiatic Countries
Saint Agatha Odo-Oko Idado Ijesa, Osun State, Nigeria, November 14, 2023 - His Royal Highness Nicholas Adekunle Talluta, Prince of St. Agatha Odo-Oka Idado Ijesa...
More than 200 Candidates selected & shortlisted at Mega Job Fair held in Gulbarga by AMP & KBN University
Association of Muslim Professionals (AMP) organized a mega Job Fair in Gulbarga in association with Khaja Bandanawaz University on Saturday 4th November 2023 which was...