मणिपुर जैसी घटना से बचने के लिए प्रत्येक महिला के लिए अनिवार्य है आत्मरक्षा प्रशिक्षण: एमए अली
कोलकाता: मणिपुर की शर्मनाक घटना ने पूरी दुनिया को हिला कर रख दिया है। दो महिलाओं के साथ हुई दरिंदगी ने हर भारतीय का सर...
Self defense training is mandatory for every woman to avoid incident like Manipur: MA Ali
Kolkata: The shameful incident of Manipur has shaken the whole world. The brutality that happened to two women has made every Indian hang his head...
AMP to organise its East India NGO Conference in Kolkata, on 9th & 10th September 2023
Kolkata - Sat, 15th Feb 2023: Social Leaders and their Organisations (NGOs) play a great role in shaping an equitable World, lifting human beings from...
Brainstorming session held in Kolkata by Social Leaders to discuss status of Higher Education in Muslim Community
Friday, 14th July, 2013: Association of Muslim Professionals ( AMP) organised a meeting of Professionals, Senior Academicians, Social Leaders, Policy Makers_ etc., on Friday, 14th...
Tollywood Movie Mayaa is all set to release on 7th July
Kolkata, 27th June, 2023: Mayaa by Raajhorshee De is a film adapted from Macbeth and revolves around the prominent theme of greed, ambition, sin and...
Brainstorming session held in Delhi by Community Leaders to discuss status of Higher Education in underprivileged Communities
"The All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE 20-21) paints a bleak picture regarding Higher Education in the Muslim community. Only 4.6% students are enrolled...
Human Care Trust Leads the Way: Over 20,000 Glasses of Lime Water Served Daily at Raja Bazar Crossing, Umar Owais and Team Receive Recognition from International Karate Coach M.A. Ali
In the scorching summer heat, the residents of Raja Bazar Crossing have found respite in a heartwarming initiative led by Umar Owais, President of the...
বাংলার পূণ্যার্থীদের পরিষেবায় রাজ্য সরকার তৎপর, বারাসাত রবীন্দ্র ভবনে,একেএম ফারহাদ
ইসলাম ধর্মাবলম্বী মানুষদের পাঁচটি মুল স্তম্ভের অন্যতম হজ্ব। সেই উদ্দেশ্যে আরব দেশে মক্কা নগরীতে উপস্থিত হতে হয় বছরের নির্দিষ্ট সময়ে।চলতি বছর হজ্বের প্রথম উড়ান কলকাতা...
Didi Mamata Banerjee is my Inspiration: Erum
Bait ul Maal Girls high school student selected in indian team for World championship Thailand Kolkata: Chief minister Mamata Banerjee is my inspiration said World...
AMP donates another Rs. 36 lakhs plus for Turkey Earthquake Victims!
Mumbai: A total of 1 Crore in Funds as well as in-kind has been donated to Turkey & Syria through its IndiaZakat platform. The terrible...