Zakat Talks conference organised by attracts speakers from 9 countries around the Globe!

Sat, 26th Mar, 2022:, India’s 1st Zakat Crowd-funding platform and, a digital marketing agency, together organized a webinar series of virtual zakat conference titled Zakat Talks. This conference was spread over a period of 5 days for 2 hours each from Tue, 22nd Mar to Sat, 26th Mar, 2022, 8 pm – 10 pm India time. The conference brought together Islamic Scholars, Global Thought leaders, Technologists and Organizations from 9 countries around the Globe to help people understand Zakat better, reform Zakat Management and empower the Community.

Aamir Edresy, President said Association of Muslim Professionals (AMP), the organization behind and one of the organisers said, “We want to bring a fresh perspective to Zakat Collection and Disbursement which should include new age management practices, technology and innovation. The objective is to refresh & revolutionize the process of Zakat management, for economic empowerment of the community and the nation.

Zaeem Mirza, a digital marketing specialist and Founder of, first of it’s kind, non-profit social organization marketing and technology solutions Company said, “We are reimagining and refreshing the way Zakat is perceived, understood, collected and managed, using the Qur’an & Sunnah. Through our global contacts, we invited Zakat experts and thought leaders to throw light upon and guide Muslims around the globe so that they fulfill their important obligation with knowledge.

Mufti Ateeq Ahmed Bastawi, Head of Islamic Studies-Nadwatul Ulama Lucknow & Gen. Sec, Fiqh Academy, India spoke on ‘Utilizing the power of Zakat for economic empowerment & self-sustainability of Muslims and thus nation building’. He said that Zakat, as mentioned in the Holy Quran has to be utilized for 8 different categories of poor and helpless people. At the same time it can be utilized for building institutions of learning for the poor and underprivileged as per guidelines given by earlier religious scholars, thus leading to Nation Building.

Mufti Shamshul Haq Misbahi, Principal, Jamia Imam Ahmad Raza Ahsan ul Barakaat Newcastle, South Africa, spoke on the topic. Most common challenges with Zakat management today and the possible solutions for the same. He said that the major issue today with Zakat collection and management is that hardly 5% of the eligible muslims are paying zakat. Those who pay are not doing as per the principles of collective zakat and thus the benefits of this divine solution for poverty alleviation is lost.

Mufti Ertiqaul Hasan, Mufti e Azam – Punjab, India, spoke on Collective Zakat – The Divine Solution for overall growth of the Community. He said that the Lord Almighty through Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the Holy Qur’an devised this system of 2.5% voluntary charity of one’s wealth which should be utilized for the overall growth of the Community and the Society. However, after the time of the early caliphs, the system of Collective zakat was abandoned thus leading to the present backwardness of Muslims in India.

Fayruz Mohammed, Conference speaker & National Chairperson, SANZAF (South African National Zakah Fund), one of the speakers at the Conference said Well done to the organisers, speakers and presenters for this brilliant program. I surely learnt a lot.

Some of the other eminent speakers at the Conference included; Dr. Atef Elsabrawy, Consultant, World Bank, Egypt, Syed Zafar Mahmood, President – Zakat India Foundation, Sohail Hanif, CEO – National Zakat Fund, UK, Sami As Soulaimani, Founder & CEO – Fineopolis Consulting, UAE, Shahed Amanullah, M.D. – Frost Capital and Founder – Zakatify, Mohammed Zahid Mateen, Head – Special Projects,, Malaysia, Mufti Yousuf Sultan, Founder & CEO, Adl Advisory, Malaysia, Aarij Anwer, Zakat Manager – Launch Good, UK

The Conference was attended by more than 700 Muslims from around the globe including professionals, entrepreneurs, university students and others.


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